Stephen Leitz Photo


Hey there! My name is Stephen Leitz, and I'm the Founder and Owner of Workforce 2080. I'm so proud to provide this website to you to help estimate the items which you normally come across in payroll, or even just trying to determine what your wages will look like after taxes and deductions. This website evolved out of a Javascript coding project one night. The project was to build a tip calculator for when you go to a restaurant. Needless to say, I was inspired to build all the estimators you see within Workforce 2080. I am forever grateful for that Javascript course for teaching me the fundamentals which I used within this website.

The name Workforce 2080 evolved years ago when I had ideas of starting a business. The 2080 is a mathematical result of forty (40) hours a week times fifty-two (52) weeks a basically full-time hours. So I morphed the two names together into what it is today.

I know these tools will make it easier for you to do some of those complex calculations which are related to garnishments, weighted overtime, accruals, federal taxes, state taxes, medicare taxes, social security taxes, and many others. The objective of my website is to get a close estimation for all of these items. I can never guarantee 100% accuracy, but I believe my estimators can get within a fifty-dollar range.

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Last Updated on 5/18/2024 @ 12:00 PM CDT