For the next few pages, we are going to take you through the process of determining the monthly COBRA premium. These are 100% estimates and should merely be used as an estimation.
You will need to have the monthly employee and employer poritions of each COBRA eligible plan when completing these steps to ensure the most accurate estimation! By pressing the button below, you are agreeing to Workforce 2080's Privacy Policy as well as Workforce 2080's Terms Of Use.
Last Updated 2/26/2023 @ 10:17 AM CDT
In order to proceed forward with this calculator, you must have the per-paycheck amount for both the employee and employer contributions. We recommend you grab onto your most recent paycheck stub. Do you have those amounts?
You cannot proceed forward until you have the Monthly Coverage Level Amounts for each COBRA eligible insurance plan. Once you have these items, press the "Yes" button to continue.
Enter in the total PER-PAYCHECK premium for the COBRA eligible plans for which the you are enrolled in. You will need both the portion you pay, and the portion your employer pays. We recommend you get your most recent checkstub before entering in these amounts.
These are both required fields; you cannot proceed forward without entering in a value for the Employer and Employer Medical field. Once you enter in the per paycheck amounts, please click "NEXT" to continue.
Life insurance and disability beneifts are *not* considered medical care. COBRA does not cover plansthat provide only life insurance or disability benefits. Check out this document if you have any questions about COBRA continuable plans by CLICKING HERE.
How often are you paid?
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This page was last updated on 10/28/2022 @ 9:51 PM CDT
This will be your monthly premiums
Medical Insurance Monthly Premium:
Dental Insurance Monthly Premium:
Vision Insurance Monthly Premium:
Total Monthly Premiums
2.0% Monthly Administration Fee added to Premium
Total Monthly + Administration Fee Premium:
Eighteen (18) months of COBRA coverage plus the two-percent (2.0%) administration fee would cost a total of:
This estimator will help you get your monthly premiums for all COBRA eligible plans, and determine what the additional 2.0% Administration fee on top of the premiums would equate to.