Form OK-W-4

Oklahoma Tax Commission

Employee’s State Withholding Allowance Certifcate

Filing Status

1. Allowance For Yourself: Enter 1 for yourself.

2. Allowance For Your Spouse: Does your spouse work?

3. Allowance For Dependents: Enter the number of dependents you will claim on your tax return. Do not claim yourself or your spouse or dependents that your spouse has already claimed on his or her Form OK-W-4

4. Additional Allowances: You may claim additional allowances if you itemize your deductions or have other state tax deductions or credits that lower your tax. Enter the number of additional allowances you would like to claim.

5. Total Number of Allowances You Are Claiming: Add Lines 1 through 4 and enter total here

6. Additional Withholding: If you expect to have a balance due (as a result of interest income, dividends, income from a part-time job, etc.) on your tax return, you may request your employer to withhold an additional amount of tax from each pay period. To calculate the amount needed, divide the amount of the expected balance due by the number of pay periods in a year. Enter the additional amount to be withheld each pay period here.

Earnings Section

How much do you earn per paycheck?

You must enter in a value greater than zero (0) above to continue!

Select your pay period below:

Do you have pre-tax deductions taken from your paycheck?

How much is deducted from your paycheck in pre-tax deductions?

Estimated Oklahoma State Taxes per check are:

**The above number is an estimation and should only be used as a reference point. Questions regarding the amounts you are paid, deducted, or taxed should all be brought to your employer for further clarification. Workforce 2080 provides these estimations to assist employees and employers determine a rough estimation of what taxes, payments, or deductions *could* be. These estimations should not be construed as implict or explicit guarantees in any way. Many factors come into play, such as rounding of figures in Payroll Software, errors in the submission through this portal etc. Workforce 2080 assumes no risk with these estimations and provides these tools to help educate the general population. All users who use these products and estimators outside of their intended use assume risk when used outside of the scope of educational and general knowledge.

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Last Updated on 5/27/2024 @ 12:06 PM CDT