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Performance Improvement Plan Follow-Up Form

Employers can use this online Performance Improvement Plan Follow-Up form to document the follow-ups for the employees performance or behavior which needs to improve, the specific training needed to continue improvement, expectations or milestones the employee must meet, and the additional timeframe. This form is printable and downloadable as well at the conclusion of the questionnaire. *WARNING* You should always consult with an attorney if you should have any questions about the performance issue or if you are within your legal rights to discpline or coach the employee.*

**Updated 4/2/2023 @ 10:19 PM CDT**

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Performance Improvement Plan Follow-Up Form

This Performance Improvement Plan Follow-Up Form should be completed during the conversation with the employee. This form can be completed by a supervisor, manager, director, or Human Resources department. It is recommended that you provide a copy of this form to your HR department after having this discussion so they can file in the employees personnel file.

Select what this Performance Improvement Plan is being used to correct:

What is the employees name?

What is the name of the employees department?

What is your name? (The person completing this form)

What is today's date?

Please enter in the specific Behavior or Performance Issue which these follow-ups and this Performance Improvement Plan aim to address below:

Please select your rating for this employee and their current status with their behavior or performance issue below:

Please provide your justifications for the above rating (*This is required*)

Please provide Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely goals for the employee to continue improving their behavior or performance below (*This is Required*):

How would you rate the employees willingness to participate in their behavior or performance improvement?

Please provide the justification behind your rating above for the employees willingness to participate in their behavior or performance based improvement plan.

Please provide Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely goals for the employee to attain regarding their willingness to improve. Please factor in their current willingness score and what they can do to continue to improve in your goal. (*This is Required*)

Please rate the employees Ability to continue their improvement with their behavior or performance plan. Please consider anything which is something the employee must take ownership with and if it is something within the manager or organizations control; please do not factor those into the employees ability rating.

Please document your justifications behind the above Ability rating.

Please set Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely Ability goals for the employee below:

When will you and the employee meet again regarding the above goals?

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This page was last updated on 4/2/2023 @ 10:19 PM CDT

Employee Name:

Employees Department:

This Performance Improvement Plan Form is for the following performance category:

Form Preparer:

Date of Preparation

Performance Improvement Plan Reason and Goals Section

Here are the Reasons for this Performance Improvement Plan

Rating for the employees Current Status with their Performance Improvement Plan as of now is:

The justification for this rating is:

Goals to improve this rating include the following:

Willingness to Improve Section

Employees Willingness to Improve is currently rated:

The justification for the above rating is:

The SMART Goals to improve the employees Willingness to improve are:

Ability to Improve Section

Employees Ability to Improve is currently rated:

The justification for the above rating is:

The SMART Goals to improve the employees ability to improve are:

The employees overall rating for the three measures of performance is:

Next Performance Improvement Plan Follow-Up Date

Employees Name: Preparer's Name:

Please sign the above to indicate that you had this Follow-Up conversation with the preparer. Your signature does not indicate agreement with the above Performance Improvement Plan Follow-Up form; but simply indicates that you were present for the conversation and understand why these follow-ups are occurring for your Performance Improvement Plan to assist you in improving your performance or behavior within the workplace. The expectations to improve, and timeline will be considered as actionable towards your continued employment. Your supervisor, manager, director, VP, or HR have the discretion at anytime to discontinue this performance improvement plan should they deem your performance or behavior are not improving and have the right to separate employment with or without reasoning as employment is at will and can end for any reason as long as it does not violate any federal or state laws. Should you have any questions about performance expectations, timeframe, or any other item related to this Performance Improvement Plan, you should direct those to your immediate supervisor to determine a course of action.

Performance Improvement Plan Follow-Up Form

This free Performance Improvement Follow-Up Plan Form will give you common items to keep at the top of mind when you are following up on a Performance Improvement Plan with an employee about their performance or behavior so those items can be clearly documented, expectations and performance goals should be set, regular follow-ups scheduled, training scheduled to correct behavior or performance, and a timeline of when these milestones should be met.

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Last Updated on 5/18/2024 @ 12:00 PM CDT